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Sunday, April 19, 2015

How to make a horsehair bracelet

Thanks to a lovely blog I came across this afternoon, I became inspired to create my own horsehair bracelet!  Diamond was very obliging (as he didn't notice or care) and allowed me to clip a nice long chunk of tail hair from under his tail.

Allow me to express my trials and tribulations thus far.

Firstly, Diamond's tail hair is slightly varied in length.  And by slightly I mean a lot.  Even after retrieving what I thought to be a good amount, I was left with only a few choice strands that were long enough to work with.  So even though it may be time consuming, next time I will stand with Diamond and pick out each tail hair individually so that I can be sure what I cut is useful and not just unnecessary tail trimming. (Note: I gently washed the hairs with some shampoo and let them dry outside.)

After finding that awesome tutorial I mentioned earlier, I went to the hobby stores in my area in search of a few things:
1. Foldover Cord Ends
2. Lobster Clasps
3. Jump Rings
4. Superglue

Lobster clasps and jump rings were easy enough to find, however, the foldover cord ends that were in stock were much too small for the bracelet I wanted to make.  Disheartened, I looked for any other sort of cord ends that would no avail.  They simply do not sell them in the size I wanted.  I was really surprised.  Luckily, I stumbled across a bracelet with magnetic ends for $1.99.  Mind you, this was a completed bracelet that I would have to dismantle in order to use the magnetic ends for my own use.  So I bought the bracelet and brought it home.  It was actually a nice little bracelet for 2 bucks and I was almost sorry to tear it apart.  But I did my duty.

I continued to follow the directions of the tutorial.  I picked out hairs all of the same length and then tied a knot at the top.  I attached this string of hairs to my pillow with a safety pin and started braiding.  After finishing, I added some superglue to the top of the braid right underneath the knot.  The glue that I bought, however, was not fast took hours to dry.  Not cool.  Crafting is hard.

After it was dry I measured out the length I wanted and added super glue to the hairs at the cutting point so that once they were indeed cut to fit into the magnetic ends, the hairs would stay together.  Hours pass....I cut the braid at my superglue'd points and dab glue into the open ends of the magnets and also onto the braid ends.  It is now sitting on my kitchen counter..drying for the next few hours.  I will update with a final picture tomorrow.  If it doesn't fall apart because of my terrible glue choice.

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